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Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication at a Global Company

In today's world, information security is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. You may have heard stories of data breaches, identity theft, and other cyber-related crimes that cause havoc and financial loss to companies. As a business owner or IT executive, you must be constantly looking out for ways to protect your systems and data from malicious attacks.

One way you can ensure better security is by implementing single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions. In this article, we'll explore how an international company uses SSO and MFA to secure its systems and data at scale. We'll also discuss the benefits of such solutions, how to deploy them efficiently, and best practices for making sure your company is protected.

The Scale and Scope of a Global Company

Running a global company requires a lot of moving parts, especially when it comes to keeping systems and data secure. With multiple teams spread around the world, different stakeholders in different roles and continents, and a range of diverse technologies in play, ensuring security can be a major challenge.

That's why this global company has implemented single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) protocols across its network. SSO simplifies identity management for employees by allowing for one user name and password for all systems access. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity before being allowed access.

The combination of these two technologies provide efficient authentication processes while also offering peace of mind that the data within the company is kept safe from malicious actors. The SSO component allows personnel to effortlessly access their accounts while MFA adds a much needed layer of defense against potential attacks. With both of these measures in place, this global company can be sure its sensitive data is well-protected against any outside threats.

Securing Disparate Systems Across the Enterprise

A global enterprise inherently has many more moving parts than a local one, with multiple systems and end-user devices that aren't all necessarily connected. Without an effective authentication process, access to data and systems can be gained in ways it shouldn't be—overwhelming security administrators with manual processes when they should be focusing on the big picture.

That's why this global company implemented single sign-on (SSO) across its disparate systems and multi-factor authentication (MFA) for access to those same systems. SSO is an authentication process that allows users to log into multiple accounts at the same time with a single set of credentials. This solution provides a single point of entry for access requests, greatly simplifying how users interact with the system and eliminating the need for manual user management processes.

MFA adds another layer of security on top of SSO by verifying users' identity via a second form of authorization like a text message, biometric scan or even a physical key fob. By combining SSO and MFA, this enterprise is able to secure its data while providing fast and convenient access to authorized users.

Implementing Single Sign-on (SSO)

You may not have heard of single sign-on or multi-factor authentication, but the global company we’re talking about does. It’s implemented them both, so it can keep its systems and customer data safe.

What Is Single Sign-on (SSO)?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a type of authentication that allows users to log in with one set of credentials in order to access multiple applications. This eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords and helps improve security by reducing the risk of a user accidentally entering the wrong credentials for each application.

The global company uses SSO to allow employees to securely access its internal systems, client portals, cloud applications, and more with just one username and password. This way, if someone leaves or changes roles within the company, they don’t lose access to all of their accounts.

What Is Multi-Factor Authentication?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security on top of SSO. It requires users to prove who they are by providing two or more pieces of evidence before they can log in — typically, something they know (such as a passcode), something they are (a fingerprint), and something they possess (a keycard).

The global company has implemented MFA for even more peace of mind when it comes to keeping data safe from unauthorized access. Not only does it require employees to enter their SSO credentials when logging in; it also requires them to provide an extra piece of evidence like a fingerprint scan or passcode before granting access.

Adding an Extra Layer of Security With Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Using single sign-on (SSO) is great for convenience, but that’s only half the battle when it comes to keeping your data secure. That’s why this global company has invested in multi-factor authentication (MFA).

MFA Adds an Extra Layer of Security

MFA adds an extra layer of security to the single sign-on solution. With MFA enabled, users are required to authenticate their identity twice with two different types of credentials before they can access their accounts. This additional verification step helps prevent malicious actors from accessing sensitive information.

Types of MFA

This global company uses several different types of MFA, such as:

  1. Time-based One-time Password (TOTP): A one-time password that changes periodically based on a set amount of time.

  2. Mobile Push Notifications: A notification sent to a user’s mobile device that they must approve before accessing their account.

  3. Security Questions: Answers to pre-defined security questions that the user must provide to authenticate themselves.

  4. SMS Verification Codes: Codes sent through SMS or text message that must be matched with a code entered by the user before they can access their account.

  5. Email Verification Links: Links sent via email that must be clicked by the user before they can access their account.

By using these various types of MFA, this global company has added an extra layer of protection on top of its SSO system, giving users greater confidence in knowing that their accounts and data are secured against any malicious activity or unauthorized access attempts.

How SSO and MFA Protect Systems and Data

What is the best way for a global company to keep its systems and data safe? Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)!

SSO ensures that users only need one set of credentials to access multiple applications. It also makes application access more secure by eliminating the need to track many sets of usernames and passwords.

MFA, on the other hand, requires users to provide two or more credentials when they log in. This could be something they know (e.g. a password), something they have (e.g. a security token), or something they are (e.g. a biometric). This means that if an attacker were to gain access to one credential, they wouldn't be able to get into the system as another layer of authentication is required as well.

When used together, SSO and MFA offer an additional layer of protection and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches—an important consideration for any company that wants to remain competitive in today's digital landscape!

The Benefits of a Holistic Approach to Access Management

You may be wondering what makes a holistic approach to access management so beneficial for a global company. Here are just some of the reasons why this approach can help keep your systems and data safe:

Streamline User Access

A holistic approach to access management can help streamline user access across an enterprise. This includes everything from creating and managing user accounts, setting access levels, and enforcing identity-based policies across multiple applications. This makes it much easier to have control over who has access to what content and data, while also providing an improved experience for users.

Automate Security Processes

This approach also helps to automate security processes, such as multi-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO). Automation is key when it comes to securely managing user accounts across different systems, applications and services. By automating these security processes, a global company can ensure their access policies are enforced in a consistent manner.

Improve Regulatory Compliance

Finally, a holistic approach to access management helps improve regulatory compliance for a global company. This is especially important when dealing with sensitive data or working in industries that are heavily regulated. Automated security processes ensure that only those who have the appropriate permissions have access to sensitive data or systems, thus reducing the risk of any compliance issues arising down the line.


Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication are powerful technologies that allow global companies to keep their systems and data safe. When deployed in combination with other security measures, they help to protect the company, its customers, and its partners from malicious actors.

The implementation of SSO and MFA has proven to be an invaluable asset in ensuring a secure environment for the global company. By utilizing these technologies, the company can ensure that their systems and data remain safe and secure, and that their customers and partners remain confident in their security measures.

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